
[Member story] From CNA to phlebotomist: Peyton’s education journey

Hear one UCHealth employee's journey to career mobility in healthcare through her employer who shares her same passion for helping, healing, and uplifting others.
Alex Cannon

Alex Cannon

January 12th, 2023

Peyton D: Opening Doors in Healthcare

“Financial burden was a big deal. That’s tough, trying to get back into school when you have nothing to show for it.”

Peyton Duke, UCHealth Employee

Peyton learns about UCHealth and Guild's partnership

From the healthcare employer's perspective

“We’ve gone through a really significant period of time these last three years. We’ve got people that are a little banged up, a little beaten up, a little burnt out. We’ve got to support them in getting restored, and getting reengaged.”

David Mafe, Chief Diversity Officer and VP of HR at UCHealth

Unlocking career mobility and personal growth in healthcare

“UCHealth is a very ‘learning’ company. They always want you to grow. And partnering with Guild proved that to me, in a way. Within healthcare, if I didn’t want to serve patients anymore, I could go do business, I could go do accounting, I could do billing — there are so many outlets within healthcare. I don’t ever want to leave UCHealth.”

Peyton Duke, Phlebotomist at UCHealth
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